It happened like this, as always, my plan was made few hours before my trip. I planned to go to Ooty and thanx again to GoIbibo, i was able to book a good hotel and a comfortable bus for myself.
I started for ooty early in the morning. Half way through, bus stopped. There were noises around. I opened the window and saw heavy traffic across the road. Someone said that itz over cauvery dispute. People were not letting busses to cross the border. Stones pelting and stray incidents were happening all across Bangalore, TN, Karnataka.
The only sane thing to do was to come back to my hostel and stay safe. Our bus came back to majestic and driver promised us to refund the entire amount.
I along with my friend decided not to go. It was insane, crazy or don't know what. We thought of taking train, the first train we get, to travel somewhere, we didn't know where and how. We just had to go somewhere.
Sticky, hot and dirty, we reached bangalore city station, took a general class ticket . Decided to take Mysuru as our first stop.
Sadly, the only ticket you get in some south trains is of general class and not reserved. Travelling in General is nightmare but is awesome at the same time. It was my first travel in general class.
So we started the journey. The fight to get on the train and catch any empty seat available was a lifetime experience. The trip which promised to be a hit was now turning out to be uncertain. We didn't know where we were going. We had no summer clothes, only light winter clothes.
My friend was scared. The situation of the city was getting worse. I had to drag her all the way from the bus stop. She wanted to go back . i wanted to go on. I won.
So that is how i stepped into Malgudi Express . The only good thing about this trip was Malgudi Expree. During my teens, when i read all those stories of swamy in Malgudi, i always fantasized to go there and see what it is in actual. Huge fan of R K Narayan, this was the most beautiful thing about this trip. y dream coming true.
After 4.5 hrs of journey, we finally came to mysore.
Mysore, a city which might be liked people who are unlike me. An ancient city washed with itz own set of cultures, Historic in nature, it has many temples and few other good places.
Out of which Mysore palace and Brindavan Garden are the only places that would appease you.
Shopping in Mysore is quite expensive whereas food in there is quite inexpensive
For Sarees : Cauvery Silk Emporium
Mysore Silk Udyog
For Food : Oyester Bay ( Heaven for Non veggies)
For people like me, Mysuru is a stay for not more than one day. We planned to go aheadd and catch a Tamil Nadu bus. Mysuru to Ooty was just 3 hrs in bus. My friend was quite apprehensive about it. She still wanted to go back.
I enquired about the bus services. Sadly only few hours before all the inter state bus services were suspended.
And this is how the ugly part happened. We were dirty , sticky, had no summer clothes, our rooms were booked in ooty, and we were clueless about where to go from here.
Finally, after discussing we decided to stay there and explore around. we waited the bus service to resume but unfortunately it didn't.
So this is how our ooty trip got converted into Mysuru trip.
The best part about this trip was the experience it gave us. We had the courage to go on, when half of the people cancelled and crawled back.
"Where there is a will, there is a way." The fight , the struggle, the feeling you get that you are not safe in your own country, freaks you out but when you really want to do smething, you will end up doing it no matter what lies infront of you.
Even if his trip did not happen, for me, it wil be one of the best trip of my life.
Sometimes itz fun to go without knowing where to go. Itz the journey that matters and not the destination. Keep travelling ! Keep Exploring and keep loving it.