I always wanted to write a blog regarding my journey to Horshley Hills (which is situated in the madanpalle district) but never had the time. So my journey started from Bangalore as I have to stay there for next one month so I decided to go alone to some unknown place or the place which is quite peaceful. So I booked my tickets from Bangalore to madanpalle through APSRTC which is quite affordable. But I forget about the language barrier which I think is a unsolvable problem, especially when you are travelling to some small town as conductor don't understand English as well as hindi. Even though you might not have any issues in Chennai or other major cities, its a different ballgame in small towns and villages when you have to communicate with them, when they don't know ABCD of English. So After 8 hrs journey finally the bus stop at madanpalle bus stop and here again I have to catch a bus to Horshley Hills and here a lady conductor is in bus, and again I'm unable to say that I have to go horshley Hills (As at there it's called Horsleykonda, which I don't know at that moment)So I tried all possible things but all I got after spending time there was, "Sir, language problem sir" and at last I came up with idea taking help from Google translation and finally she got it right.
But after all those fights from conductor and hectic experience, I ended up in sitting at a edge of a cliff of Horshley Hill and as I finally trek 10 km, the sweat start drying I feel relaxed and for next 4hrs I enjoyed that view and cold air throwing on my skin asking me to let the tiredness out.
So if you ask me that, is it scary out there ?It depends on you how you approach them. And every experience teach you something new, all you have to do is don't lose your job which is trying to achieve what you made as a Traveller.
Thank you