Assam V/s Purushwadi to take a Stroll Amongst the Hedges Burning Bright with Firefly Blossoms

Photo of Assam V/s Purushwadi to take a Stroll Amongst the Hedges Burning Bright with Firefly Blossoms by Bespectacled_adventurer@Nishtha Mishra

                  Ever dreamt of taking an evening stroll with hedges glowing bright? Well Purushwadi isn't the only place for it. The untouched beauty in India's North-Eastern States has many secrets to reveal  and unlike Purushwadi's few days long firefly festival, in Assam's villages bordering the virgin forest cover you can experience the festival for 3-5 months. Starting from mid February the fireflies start haunting Assamese villages and jungles till April and May.

The path between the hedges where the fireflies glow with all their sparks. And not for once let the darkness sink in

Photo of Assam V/s Purushwadi to take a Stroll Amongst the Hedges Burning Bright with Firefly Blossoms by Bespectacled_adventurer@Nishtha Mishra

                          The scene laid before you will be one straight from a fairyland. It appears as the night has descended on earth and you are walking between the twinkling stars. Not once, these gloworms let the darkness of night engulf you. Instead, they distribute the sparkle in them with such generosity that one is left spellbound failing the darkness of the night. So this bioluminescent effect can be witnessed by those too who are called by hills and mountains rather than seas and beaches.

The glow worms cover the hedges and trees in the night as their flowery blossoms would have done during day

Photo of Assam V/s Purushwadi to take a Stroll Amongst the Hedges Burning Bright with Firefly Blossoms by Bespectacled_adventurer@Nishtha Mishra

                    However, due to the violent Elephant corridors in these areas, it is advisable not to camp but to be on your heels always. The wild elephants in this area are notorious for not sparing the intruders in their area and corridor. After all it takes extreme measures by the nature and the wild to preserve this land of Myriad nymphs.

Pic Credits: Matt MacGillivray

Photo of Assam V/s Purushwadi to take a Stroll Amongst the Hedges Burning Bright with Firefly Blossoms by Bespectacled_adventurer@Nishtha Mishra

©Nishtha Mishra, 2019

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