Europe on a shoestring

27th Sep 2014
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 1/30 by Divay mittal
Moulin Rouge ..the world's most popular cabar
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 2/30 by Divay mittal
The famous Notre dame..
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 3/30 by Divay mittal Paris's walking tour guide
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 4/30 by Divay mittal
Champs Elysees
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 5/30 by Divay mittal
Art is palpable in Paris's every street corne
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 6/30 by Divay mittal
In Brussels, Frites Are More Than Just Fries
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 7/30 by Divay mittal
Bruges is a small town with a unique charm
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 8/30 by Divay mittal
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 9/30 by Divay mittal
trying an SRK pose in Bruges..
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 10/30 by Divay mittal
Brandenburg gate in Berlin
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 11/30 by Divay mittal
Trabant was East Germany's quintessential sym
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 12/30 by Divay mittal
Prague river ..amazes you everytime
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 13/30 by Divay mittal
enroute to Prague castle
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 14/30 by Divay mittal
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 15/30 by Divay mittal
beer, Merc and pals
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 16/30 by Divay mittal
Ice Caves in Werfen, Austria
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 17/30 by Divay mittal
Hallstatt, Austria
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 18/30 by Divay mittal
Hallstatt, Austria
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 19/30 by Divay mittal
Neuschwanstein Castle
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 20/30 by Divay mittal
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 21/30 by Divay mittal
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 22/30 by Divay mittal
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 23/30 by Divay mittal
Mannequin Pis- a popular Brussels sculpture
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 24/30 by Divay mittal
Brussels city centre
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 25/30 by Divay mittal
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 26/30 by Divay mittal
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 27/30 by Divay mittal
lover's lock is a big fad in Europe..esp in P
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 28/30 by Divay mittal
Werfen, Austria
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 29/30 by Divay mittal
Somewhere along romantic road, Germany
Photo of Europe on a shoestring 30/30 by Divay mittal
somewhere in Salzkammergut, Austria

The idea of the trip originated when I had saved just enough money to plan a long vacation. Traveling to Europe was a childhood dream, so I decided to inquire with my close friends. 2 of them agreed, and the trip was planned. 2 more friends, who were on an exchange program in Europe also joined in between. Aim was to cover as much as possible in 15 days- started in Paris, and traveled to Bruges, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Salzburg, Munich and then back to Paris to take the flight back home. Ended up travelling across 6 countries, and used bus, car, train as means of transport, and stayed in hostels.

Few experiences and incidents made the trip unforgettable.

1. This one tops the chart. We almost got involved in a brawl in a dance club in Pigalle- Paris' red light district.The manager at the club wanted to cheat us. He was trying to extort unreasonable amount of money from us for a 'service' he provided without our consent. He used all kinds of techniques to threaten us and make us pay 400 euros. We resisted for long and put up a very brave face. We finally said we were in Paris on a project from French government's invitation, so were on a very official trip. The guy finally subsisted, and we ended up paying him 70 euros in total.

2.This was one in Amsterdam when we mistakenly boarded a long distance train instead of the metro. What followed was ticket check and a narrow escape from a huge fine.

3. We were a bunch of 4 guys, traveling from Amsterdam to Berlin in a euroline Bus. The bus made a 5 minute halt and 2 of our guys actually stepped outside to get some packed food. They got 3-4 minutes late in returning, and the bus driver yelled and chided at the 2 of us left in front of the whole bus, and made comments like "this is not Bombay". I gazed around the whole bus to finally find some sympathetic fellow passengers

4. A night in Prague, when we were of us with booking for only one in the night. There were n't any more beds in the hostel, and we all decided to roam the streets from dusk till dawn. As a result, made a lot of Prague's infamous nightlife stops.

Trip for travelers

1.Do not do a euro trip in a hurry- there is so much to cover, so instead of trying to cover all places, choose and pick the ones you have to, and leave rest for next time.

2. If your are on a tight budget, limit your time in expensive cities like Paris, Zurich, Brussels, Amsterdam etc as they will eat up a lot of your trip's cost. Instead, try venturing to eastern European countries.

3. If you are 4 people, renting a car can be a great option. It give you a lot flexibility, and comes out to be relatively cheaper per head than Europe's public transport. But renting a car comes up with hassles of parking you car too,which can be expensive in certain cities/localities.

4. Hostels are the best place to stay for young travelers. They are comparatively less expensive, give you a chance to socialize and learn from fellow travelers. Also, most hostels have in house kitchens. You can get food from stores, and cook in hostel. Saves up a lot of Euros.

5. Research as much as possible before leaving your home country. Every European city has free city tourist maps. Get hold of them as you reach the place to avoid discovering new places later.

6. Most Important. Take the walking tour in every European City. They are free, and work on a tip basis. Walking tours are generally 3 hours duration, walk you past all important land marks, and tell you what you should about them. They also gives a very good general feel/idea about the city and are a MUST.

Photo of Paris, France by Divay mittal
Photo of Paris, France by Divay mittal
Photo of Paris, France by Divay mittal
Photo of Paris, France by Divay mittal
Photo of Paris, France by Divay mittal
Photo of Paris, France by Divay mittal
Photo of Brussels, Belgium by Divay mittal
Photo of Bruges, Belgium by Divay mittal
Photo of Bruges, Belgium by Divay mittal
Photo of Bruges, Belgium by Divay mittal
Photo of Bruges, Belgium by Divay mittal
Photo of Bruges, Belgium by Divay mittal
Photo of Amsterdam, The Netherlands by Divay mittal
Photo of Amsterdam, The Netherlands by Divay mittal
Photo of Berlin, Germany by Divay mittal
Photo of Berlin, Germany by Divay mittal
Photo of Prague, Czech Republic by Divay mittal
Photo of Prague, Czech Republic by Divay mittal
Photo of Prague, Czech Republic by Divay mittal
Photo of Salzburg, Austria by Divay mittal
Photo of Salzburg, Austria by Divay mittal
Photo of Salzburg, Austria by Divay mittal
Photo of Salzburg, Austria by Divay mittal
Photo of Salzburg, Austria by Divay mittal
Photo of Füssen, Germany by Divay mittal
Photo of Füssen, Germany by Divay mittal
Photo of Füssen, Germany by Divay mittal
Photo of Füssen, Germany by Divay mittal

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